Monday, 23 March 2015

An Scope of Engineering Jobs for Fresher

The technological innovations in ancient India often found in the great classics of the Ramayana and the Mahabharata are of noteworthy appreciations. Often the ancient Indian Texts like the Vedas and the Upanishads talk about advanced engineering techniques along with philosophies and languages. This trend continued till the Buddhist Period where renowned universities like Nalanda and Taxila attracted a large number of students from across the world to gain knowledge not only on religion, philosophy, language and science but also in engineering and technologies. There was a dip in the trend during the Muslim rule but it revived with a strong aggression during the British Rule in India.
The advent of the engineering colleges in India started during the Colonial rule the lower grade officers and the sub-overseers were required to be technically trained in these institutes to improve the quality of their jobs. The current situation of the massive amounts of engineering colleges in India is catering efficiently to the huge requirement of Fresher Engineering Jobs. India produces more number of engineers in a single year than that produced by the United States of America and China combined together. These engineers are absorbed in the huge requirements for Technical jobs required for various industries and factories that help in the industrial growth of the nation.

The Fresher Engineering jobs help the fresh pass-outs from the colleges to secure a proper job and thus build a better future on an individual basis that eventually leads to the holistic development of the nation. With the advent of the MNCs regular engineering branches like Civil/ Mechanical Jobs are losing their values as career opportunities. To survive this lowering trend, the Government has introduced PSU Jobs for the core engineering students where they are recruited on the basis of their GATE scores followed by performance on group discussions and personal interviews. These PSUs provide a suave work environment just like the MNCs but provide the facilities like any other Government departments.

With the advent of IT Industry any kind of engineering jobs has become synonymous with jobs in IT Industry. The tempting work packages of the IT Jobs attracts the fresher not only from IT Field but also from other core fields like Civil, Electrical, Mechanical, Electronics, etc. This trend has resulted in the drainage of knowledge without any further use outside the college campus. However, the CS Jobs still tend to retain and put proper use of the Computer Science Engineering Knowledge in ones’ profession.

The Fresher Engineering jobs provide the general youth of the nation with an aim to succeed in life both financially and career wise. A healthy GDP is ensured when more and more individuals are employed with proper salaries and remuneration which ultimately leads to a viable economy of the country. The evils of unemployment and underemployment prevalent in the nation are fought very efficiently with these engineering job opportunities. If this trend continues with a positive note then no one can stop India from becoming a first world nation within a short span of time.

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